A Journey Through Worlds and Words: Meet Sasha

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Sasha, an author born and raised in the sweltering heat of Queensland, Australia, and you’ve found your way into my corner of the internet. It is here where I exist, caught somewhere between reality and the enchanting realm of storytelling.  It’s a place where imagination knows no bounds and creativity reigns supreme—or at least that’s what I tell myself.

If I had to describe my personal journey to this point (other than ‘hard’ and ‘wine needed’) I’d say it was a tapestry woven with threads of wanderlust, mythology and an unwavering love for the written word.

So, what was that journey?

The allure of uncharted territories and the excitement of exploring the unknown have been my lifelong companions. From my earliest memories, I’ve dreamt of snow-covered trees and cobblestone streets alive with languages I couldn’t understand. But I was a kid battling spiders the size of my head and running from deadly swooping birds; my reality couldn’t have been further from my dreams.

When I was in my mid-twenties, I joined the masses of millennials who quit their jobs, sold their possessions, and took to the road. It was different for me, though, and instead of sipping cocktails on the beaches of Bali, I travelled deep into the sandy red heart of my own country and continued to work. Out there I learned to battle snakes and racial prejudice, stood my ground against plagues of locus and endured heat so intense that it wore at my already flimsy sanity.

It was a five-year sentence that I imposed on myself.

After my time was done, I took to the roads of the wide world. From the calm waters of the Mediterranean to the ice-slicked streets of Stockholm and everywhere in between, I spent years living out of a 75L backpack embarking on adventures that have enriched my soul and ignited my creativity. While many find comfort in the familiar, my heart finds solace in the unknown and the idea of staying in one place too long weighs me down.

I’ve paid strange men found on the internet to take me deep into a Romanian forest at night, been thankful for a 24-hour jeans shop in the backstreets of Nagoya and signed a waiver to be treated like a prisoner for a night in an ex-KGB jail.

I weave all these experiences into the fabric of my novels.

When I’m not crossing the globe, I’m still immersed in the world of words. I’m a dedicated student, studying the realms of creative writing, modern history, and mythology through anthropology. My literary experience spans a broad spectrum, ranging from published travel articles, personal blogs and unapologetic delves into fandom.

And that brings us to the here and now. Where I’m finally ready to jump on the roller-coaster that is publishing. My stories range from the fantastical and magical, where mythology runs rampant, and souls are forever entwined, to gritty spy thrillers where danger lurks around every corner, and nothing is ever as it seems. I avidly write for the LGBTQIA+ community, creating characters that represent us from all walks of life and, I hope, will transcend boundaries and challenge preconceptions.

So, fasten your seatbelts, dear readers, as we’re about to set out on a magical journey! We’ll start with The Wind Will Guide Us, where we’ll follow our heroes C’aiská and Jáhken on an endless adventure through vivid landscapes and snippets of rich history. It’s a stunning story (if I may say so myself) that you don’t want to miss!

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